OET Writing sample Test for Medicine- Test 1

OET Writing test for Medicine -1 Answer

Dr. Britto
Diabetology and Podiatry Department
City Hospital
[City Hospital’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

[Today’s Date]

Dear Dr. Britto,

RE: Mr. Antonite Scott, DOB: 18th March 1950

I am writing to refer Mr. Antonite Scott, a 74-year-old bartender with a history of controlled depression, HBsAg positivity since 1996, and recent diagnoses including type II diabetes mellitus, UTI, and cellulitis, for further evaluation and management of his diabetic condition and associated complications.

Mr. Scott presents with escalating blood sugar levels indicative of poorly controlled diabetes, alongside symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) characterized by burning micturition and incontinence, and cellulitis manifesting as swollen and painful legs. His social history includes smoking and alcohol use, and he resides with his wife, with their children living away.

His family history is notable for pneumonia in his mother, a recent cerebrovascular accident leading to his father’s demise, COPD in his maternal grandmother, hypertension in his paternal grandmother, and depression in his paternal grandfather. Mr. Scott’s past medical history includes typhoid and a subsequent jaundice attack in 1990, and he was diagnosed with depression in 2006, which has since been controlled with medication.

Given the complexity of Mr. Scott’s medical and social history, and the current exacerbation of his diabetic symptoms, a comprehensive evaluation by your team would be invaluable. It is crucial to address his increasing blood sugar levels and assess the need for adjustments in his diabetes management plan, alongside treatment for his UTI and cellulitis.

Your expertise in diabetology and podiatry will be critical in providing Mr. Scott with the necessary care and support to manage his conditions effectively. Please find attached his medical records for your review.

Thank you for your attention to Mr. Scott’s referral. I look forward to your assessment and recommendations for his treatment plan.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]







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