Peter Dunabar Sample OET Writing Letter

OET Writing sample letter
peter dunbar oet writing question paper

Sample answer for OET Writing Peter Dunbar sample

Occupational English Test

Community Health Nurse
Eastern Community Health Centre
456 East Street
22 January 2019

Dear Nurse,

Re: Mr. Peter Dunbar
DOB: 18.03.1932

I want to express my gratitude for accepting Mr. Dunbar into your care for the regular monitoring of his diabetes and encouragement to comply with his medication and dietary regimens. Mr. Dunbar is relocating to Centreville to live with his daughter.

Since October 2018, Mr. Dunbar has been showing signs of diabetic neuropathy and, as a result, he mobilizes with a walking stick. His type 2 diabetes is controlled by metformin and his diet, but he has been resistant to any form of treatment and has not been compliant with his medication regimen. He cites poor memory as the primary cause of his neglect and has occasionally double-dosed his medication. Additionally, despite advice, Mr. Dunbar has continued to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, fatty foods, salt, and sugar since the death of his wife last year, contributing to his current condition. While his daughter will now be cooking for him, she will require some guidance related to his needs.

In June 2018, he suffered a myocardial infarction for which he was hospitalized at City Hospital in Newtown. During the same admission, he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and was subsequently prescribed warfarin and sotalol. His hypertension is controlled by Ramipril. However, as with his other medications, Mr. Dunbar’s compliance has been intermittent.

I appreciate your continued management of this patient.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
Community Health Nurse


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